Friday, March 26, 2010

Questioning, part 1

I'm not sure why, but I am one of those people that questions everything. I cannot accept things for the sake of 'just because' - I need to know why, why, WHY??? I imagine I was a frustrating child. In some ways I still am. I am selfish and silly, I daydream and laugh out loud, I crave attention yet shy away from it unwanted.

And I still ask questions, although now they are not so much "why is the sky blue?", but more "what is wrong with me?" or "what the hell am I doing?"...

Of course, the answers are never satisfactory. I already know the truths, I just sometimes wish I didn't.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's resurrection time!

Ok, I'm back! After ignoring this damn thing for almost 4 years - FOUR YEARS??!!! Farkk....

Anyway, I'm feeling the pressure from some awesome friends/writers (you know who you are!) to get back into this and try in vain to keep up with their awesomeness. Like I don't have enough to do already!! (mumble mumble, whinge whinge..)

Although I do feel that it could be handy to get my rants out of the way on here and maybe at some point I will learn to stop stressing and just fucking get over it. Lol. As if that's ever gonna happen.

So to kick off, here are some things that I hate/are pissing me off lately:

- dishonesty - people skirting around the issue and avoiding answering questions, although not technically lying, it's bullshitting by default

- laziness - although I am well known to spend hours on the couch watching episodes of Buffy or Angel, or Alias as is the current trend in our house - I despise people that complain and whinge and act like life is so damn hard for them... Gee, slacker, why not get off you fucking fat ass and do something for yourself for once?? You lazy c**t.

- my own stupid insecurities stopping me from achieving my goals coz if I never start, then I can never fail, right??

Ok, that was three things, I know there are more, but right now, I do have to get back to doing some work. Fun fun fun...

'til next time (in another 4 years)... Peaz out.